
Saturday, May 22, 2010

Alcoholism: 6 Ways To Prevent It

Alcoholism as a social menace can be prevented if its causes or contributory factors are understood, and the individual could actually be completely rehabilitated. The reason why its causes must be understood is to enable one know exactly where to channel one’s energy and resources while trying to deliver the alcoholic from his problems.

Some of the Steps to Take to Prevent Alcoholism Include:
1.Ban alcohol importation / production: One of the reasons there are a lot of alcoholics is because thy can easily get alcohol to purchase and get themselves drunk from time to time. This availability is either due to the fact that they are produced locally or imported into the country. If you must control alcoholism then you must restrict the local production or importation of alcohol.

2.Parents should watch their wards: Parents/guardians should keep an eye on their children or wards to be sure they do not indulge in alcoholism or associate with drunkards. They should also prevent their wards from attending parties or joining associations where alcoholic beverages are freely used. They should also encourage their children to be engaged in meaningful programmes or join voluntary organization e.g. Boys Scout, Girls guild, Debating Society, Drama groups etc. where they can utilize their spare time doing something meaningful.

3.Ban on teenage drinking: There should be a legislation banning teenage or under-age drinking. Allowing children and teenagers to use alcohol freely could make them become binge drinkers or alcoholics in their adulthood. The rate at which young people become alcoholics would be curtailed if adequate laws are enacted to prevent them from drinking.

4.Massive enlightenment campaign: There should be deliberate machinery put in place to enlighten people as to the side effects or the hazards associated with alcoholism. When the people are aware of the risk alcohol posses to their health they would control the rate at which they drink or stop drinking entirely.

5.Stop enticing adverts: Alcohol advertisement should be stopped because it has a way of enticing non-drinkers to start drinking. Enticing alcohol adverts have the ability to stir up the desire to drink in those who have never used alcohol before.

6.Research: Research into contributory environmental factors to alcoholism should be carried out with the sole purpose of identifying the factors that promote it, and getting rid of tem. Identifying and eliminating the contributory factors help to reduce the incidence of alcoholism.

When alcoholism is eliminated from society there would be less heinous crimes committed by the seconds worldwide and society would be a better place for all to live in. Alcohol usage is dangerous, therefore it should completely be avoided so we could all live a healthier life and also enjoy harmonious relationships with one another.


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