
Sunday, April 11, 2010

Social and mental Effects of Alcohol

There are social and mental effects associated with the use of alcohol. Some of these effects include but are not limited to the under-listed:

Social effects
Social effects are connected with the way the individual’s interactions with the society are affected.
1.Body odour: Alcohol odour can be disgusting; those who depend on alcohol reek of its smell and so may find it difficult to socialize with friends and they are likely to be avoided.
2.Absenteeism from work: Alcoholism is associated with absenteeism from job or normal duties, as it makes the individual think less of his/her social responsibilities. Alcoholics lose their jobs often because of habitual lateness to work or complete absence from duty posts from time to time.
3.Crime: Crime is most times associated with alcohol. Crimes such as Rape, automobile accidents, murder, traffic offences, theft, etc are most times committed under the influence of alcohol, because of its ability to make one lose self-control.
4.Poor hygiene: Alcoholism also results in neglect of personal hygiene – poor dental care, leaving hair unkempt, dirty clothes, etc thereby making the individual prone to diseases.
5.Marital breakdown: Marital problems such as assault, wife battery, child abuse, etc are majority of times due to effect of alcohol. The end product of such conflicts is divorce, child neglect and wife neglect.

Mental effects
Some of the mental effects of alcohol use include:
1.Memory defect: The person suffers from memory defect and would most times confabulate (produce fictitious memories, and relate experiences that are untrue to fill the gaps in memory loss). This gets worse with time if he does not stop alcohol. He may also suffer from nightmares.
2.Apprehension: He can become unconditionally fearful and restless.
3.Impulsiveness: The person becomes impulsive and acts rashly even when there is no need to do so. He may also have incoherence of speech which people find difficult to understand.
4.Hallucination: This is a false perception in which he believes he sees, hears, smells, tastes, or feels an object or person whereas in actual sense there is no evidence to justify his claims. The person may also feel some crawling sensations over the skin.


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