
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Ways We Can Help Rehabilitate An Alcoholic

There are different ways we can help an alcoholic to get rid of alcoholism or excessive drinking. Left alone, he is helpless, hooked on alcohol and does not know what to do to help himself; but with our concern, sympathy and intervention we could really do much to deliver such a one from heavy drinking and possibly from the complications that could come with it by referring him/her to the appropriate source of help.
Some of the sources of help include:
1.Medical help: We can do much to seek help for the sufferer by referring him/her to see the doctor who can give some of the under-listed drugs:
a.Apomorphine: This drug acts by causing persistent and repeated nausea and vomiting in the patient. The drug makes the alcoholic to develop a strong dislike for alcohol; so the drug causes a conditional aversion or repugnancy for alcohol. Note that this is usually prescribed by the doctor and the doctor also carries out some physical examination on the patient before commencing treatment. So you must reserve the administration of this drug for the medical doctor.
b.Antabuse: Antabuse acts by interfering with alcohol breakdown in the body. This makes the toxic substance of alcohol (Acetaldehyde) to accumulate in the blood stream thereby giving rise to unpleasant side effects such as headache, flushing of the face, nausea, vomiting, increase in pulse rate, drowsiness, cyanosis, dyspnoea, hypotension, etc. This eventually makes the patient hate to take alcohol.
2.Psychotherapy: We could also help the sufferer by referring him to the psychologist who can help him with psychological treatment, using his professional skills to try to persuade the patient to stop taking alcohol. Occupational therapy or other forms of treatment may also be employed.
3.Alcoholic Anonymous Association: This involves introducing the patient to the Association where he can get tangible help from people who had suffered from alcoholism and have recovered from it. They would teach him how best to go about setting himself free from the power of alcoholism. This association can really equip him with a lot of resources that could help him.
4.Admission into Alcoholic Clinic: The patient may need to be admitted into an alcoholic clinic for proper monitoring by the health team. While prescribed drugs are administered, the nurses may also do much to cater for his physical needs, ensure adequate diet and fluid intake, and help with his personal hygiene as he may not be able to do so as a result of the side effects of some of the drugs he might be placed on.
5.Spiritual help: As alcoholism has been attributed to spiritual causes so it is curable through spiritual intervention. I have actually seen a lot of people recover from alcoholism through prayers made for them by pastors. So we can help seek for a pastor gifted in this area to deliver the patient in the name of Jesus Christ. The name of Jesus Christ has the power to set people free from all kinds of spiritual bondage.


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